
Avon Files for Bankruptcy Amid Talcum Powder Lawsuit Crisis

Filippo Iachello

3 min

Avon's bankruptcy and Johnson & Johnson's legal challenges

Learn about Avon’s bankruptcy due to talcum powder lawsuits and the parallels with Johnson & Johnson’s legal challenges. How will these companies navigate the crisis?

The beauty industry, once synonymous with innovation and prosperity, is currently grappling with one of its most significant challenges. A striking example of this turmoil is Avon’s recent bankruptcy filing, a dramatic turn of events signalling deep-rooted issues within the sector. In mid-August 2024, Avon officially filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware. This marked the culmination of years of financial and legal struggles primarily linked to asbestos-contaminated talcum powder lawsuits.

The Avon Bankruptcy

Avon’s decision to file for bankruptcy directly responds to the overwhelming legal pressure from 386 ongoing lawsuits. These cases allege that the company’s talcum powder products were contaminated with asbestos, a known carcinogen, leading to serious health concerns, including cancer. Despite Avon’s consistent denial of asbestos presence in their products, the company has faced significant financial setbacks due to adverse legal judgments.

One of the most severe blows came in 2020 when Avon was ordered to pay $46 million in damages. More recently, in July 2024, another hefty compensation of $24.5 million was imposed, further depleting the company’s already strained financial reserves. These mounting legal costs have left Avon with no viable option but to seek bankruptcy protection to manage its debts and restructure its business.

Parallels with Johnson & Johnson

Avon’s situation resembles the legal challenges faced by another industry giant, Johnson & Johnson (J&J). J&J has also been embroiled in lawsuits over asbestos-contaminated talcum powder, leading to thousands of claims and substantial financial penalties. However, J&J’s response to the crisis has notably differed due to its significant financial resources.

Like Avon, J&J strategically filed for bankruptcy for one of its subsidiaries, a manoeuvre designed to consolidate and manage the numerous lawsuits while working on debt restructuring. This “strategic bankruptcy” allows J&J to freeze ongoing litigation and focus on negotiating settlements, thereby limiting further financial damage.

However, despite the similarities, the two cases differ significantly in their potential outcomes. J&J’s global presence and robust financial standing have enabled it to withstand the legal onslaught. At the same time, Avon was weakened by years of decline and a tarnished brand image. J&J’s diversified portfolio and vast resources have provided a buffer against the crisis, a luxury Avon lacks.

The Fall of a Giant

For Avon, bankruptcy is the last resort after a series of challenges that have eroded its prestige and financial stability. The company has already paid out $225 million in settlements, yet the legal battles continue, straining its liquidity and threatening its survival after more than a century in the cosmetics industry.

Avon’s bankruptcy raises critical questions about its future and the beauty industry. The sector has become increasingly competitive, with new brands capturing the attention of more demanding and informed consumers than ever before. In this evolving market, sustainability, transparency, and innovation are crucial for survival, leaving little room for companies that cannot adapt swiftly to changing dynamics.

One potential lifeline for the industry could lie in blockchain technology, which promises enhanced transparency and traceability. With consumers increasingly favouring brands that can provide a “digital identity” for their products, detailing every ingredient’s origin and processing, blockchain could solve the challenges companies like Avon’s face.


While Johnson & Johnson may weather the storm due to its financial strength and crisis management capabilities, Avon’s future remains uncertain. The company’s bankruptcy could either signal the end of an era or catalyse a radical restructuring that might lead to a resurgence. Only time will tell whether Avon can rise from the ashes or become another example of how even industry giants can fall.

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