Young Platform

Don't miss out on new features and cryptocurrencies listed on the exchange. Discover them on both the web and mobile applications.
International business payments: the solution is on blockchain
Buying Lido DAO (LDO) is now possible!
Multinetwork: transfer your cryptos conveniently
Promo: Reduced Fees for November!
New feature: convert small balances into YNG
Sub Accounts: how they work and how to use them
Club Benefit: Get up to 74% discount on NordVPN plans
Token YNG: 2023 Report
Buying Cosmos (ATOM) is now possible!
How blockchain can enhance your business
OTC Desk: what it is and how it works
Young Platform Telegram and WhatsApp: the new channels
Bot Only Euro: convert the cryptos you receive on your business account
GMX is now available for purchase on Young Platform!
Summer Boost: Top Up and Cash Out Easily