Two new spaces dedicated to the Young Platform community have arrived. Here are the new Telegram and WhatsApp channels
In August 2022, Young Platform’s official Discord server was launched and from then on we started using the Telegram group as just a channel. Today, due to the large number of malicious actors who are trying to scam our users, we have decided to create a new member space within the messaging app.
Why a new Telegram channel?
The main reason that led us to make this decision is related to the increase in reports of attempted scams against our users. As of today, malicious actors can view phone numbers and then contact members in private.
Young Platform’s new Telegram channel solves this problem. It is to all intents and purposes a channel (and not a group where admins are the only ones who can post) and so the username and phone number of the members are hidden. This way, nobody can contact them and trick them through practices such as phone phishing or smishing.
We would like to point out that the Telegram group you have been using to read the news, announcements and analyses up to now will be DEFINITELY CLOSED in a few weeks. We therefore invite you to join the new one, so that you can follow all updates safely.
Join the official Young Platform Telegram channel!
Not only Telegram but also WhatsApp
The messaging app recently introduced Whatsapp Communities. These are larger and more articulated discussion groups than those normally used to communicate with friends or family. This new type of channel allows administrators to connect related groups in one virtual place.
Young Platform’s WhatsApp group will, for now, serve the same purpose as the Telegram channel. It will only be one more option for those who want to stay up-to-date and will not be able to send messages but only read them. One more way to learn about all the news concerning our ecosystem and the crypto world.
Join our Whatsapp community!
Interact with us and other users on Discord!
The main space dedicated to our community will remain the official Young Platform Discord server, which has recently been completely redesigned. We want to focus the discussion on Discord because we believe it is the perfect place to encourage participation and dialogue between us and our users.
The messaging app, thanks to the almost infinite number of integrations it allows, is perfect for architecting gamification logics that make the user experience more fun. If you haven’t joined our server yet, we recommend you do so, it’s worth it!
Explore our Discord server