
The Marketplace is now available!

Anna Perozzi

4 min

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The Young Platform Step’s Marketplace is now available. You can spend Young Platform’s token (the YNGs) in deals, coupons or gift cards

The Marketplace is now available!

After a few weeks of hard work and delays due to Apple’s missing approval, we are happy to announce that Step’s Marketplace is now finally available!

Young Platform Step is an app intended to draw as many people as possible to cryptocurrencies, through an Educational Journey and by providing the users with the opportunity to earn Young (our own token) simply by walking.

Soon after the app’s launch on the market, many users started to ask about this functionality: since Young Platform is a strongly community-driven startup, we decided to satisfy your requests and give you the chance to start spending the YNGs you collected.

We would like to point out that the “core” of the Young Platform project has always been the Exchange, on which you’ll be able to buy and sell the top cryptocurrencies with converted YNGs.

How it works

The Marketplace includes 3 categories of products:

1. Deals

Given that our users are interested in fitness and technology, we decided to include exclusive flash deals from our partners. To access them, you won’t have to spend a single YNG! They are totally free and you’ll just have to click on “Go to website” to view the deal.


The coupons provided by our partners include a code that you can use to apply a discount on a given product/service. The terms of use vary from coupon to coupon and can be viewed in the description.

3. Gift Cards

The sale of the Gift Cards will be carried out in two ways:

  • Raffle: a limited number of coupons will be put up for grabs at a minimal cost. Once they are sold out, we will draw the winning coupons LIVE on our Instagram page. The people who bought winning coupons will be contacted via email to finalise the purchase in YNG.


  1. You buy a coupon for an “Amazon Gift Card 10€” on the Marketplace at the price of 2YNG
  2. The ticket number is 3
  3. During the LIVE raffle on Instagram, the number 3 is drawn.
  4. Step’s support contacts you via email to finalise the purchase of the Gift Card.
  5. You accept, 42 YNG are deducted from your wallet (the value of the Gift Card) and you receive the Gift Card

(During the live streaming on Instagram, an extra amount of winning coupons will be drawn, in order to guarantee to a winning user who may not reply within 24h, to get the next ticket in line).

  • Drop: a limited number of Gift Cards purchasable with Young will be released. Their release will happen at a certain hour of a given day. Some of these dates will be announced in the weekly updates, which you can find in the “Education” section > “Updates” in the app. As for the rest, we won’t tell you the date in advance, instead, you’ll get a notification when they are released. We suggest that you activate the notifications and keep up with the updates that are going to be posted in the “Education” section.

The price of the Gift Cards, unlike other players on the market, will be equal to the conversion 1:1 Young/Euro.

Example: an Amazon Gift Card of 10€ will cost 42 YNG.

In the HISTORY section of the Marketplace, you will find all your past purchases. If you have any further questions, please read our FAQs section or contact us directly at [email protected]

If you haven’t already, we recommend that you update the Step app both on Android and iOS in order to start using the YNG you collected in our Marketplace.

Team Young

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