Buying Sandbox (SAND) is easy!

You are in the right place to buy Sandbox (SAND). Follow the cryptocurrency value and price and choose what to do.

Why buy Sandbox (SAND)

Tokens allow access to assets, spaces and services on the open world of The Sandbox. Specifically, the SAND cryptocurrency is used to buy a property square (LAND) on the map. Once you become the owner of the land, you have access to Open World governance and project decisions. Buying SAND allows you to organise events, construct buildings, rent spaces and have fun in the virtual world.

What it is and how it was born

The Sandbox is in effect a virtual reality game. The platform is based on the Ethereum blockchain and is a world in which you can interact, explore and perform various activities. It is a decentralised Metaverse project: this means that it is not the software house that decides the value of assets on the market, but the users who populate the map. The video game features Voxel-Art graphics and overturns the idea of ‘free-to-play’ with a ‘play-to-earn’ formula. Each player is free to earn money by creating content and virtual objects. The goal of The Sandbox is to create a mainstream video game totally based on blockchain. The platform simplifies life for developers and introduces a ‘pay-to-earn’ model, which favours the best creators. The possibilities of participation are an element that often drives people to buy Sandbox (SAND).

Stay up to date with the price of The Sandbox

Price 24H
Change 24H
Circulating Supply
SAND undefined
Offerta massima
SAND undefined
Market Cap
€ undefined
€ undefined

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Buy The Sandbox