Buy Stellar (XLM), it’s easy!

You are in the right place to buy Stellar (XLM). Learn all the useful information, track the crypto's value and follow its trend.

Why buy Stellar (XML)?

Lumen is the cryptocurrency on the Stellar blockchain. It is used as an ‘anti-spam’ tool. The use of XLM in transactions protects the network by preventing malicious actors from saturating it with a DoS attack. On the other hand, all accounts require a minimum balance of 0.5.

What it is and how it was born

Stellar is in a way the half-sister of Ripple, both having been created by Jed McCaleb. It is not intended to be a direct payment method, but rather an intermediary in currency conversion. Thanks to Stellar, it is possible to send a traditional currency from one part of the world to another via the blockchain with a complex tokenization system. Its technology is truly innovative and has an immediate impact on the real world, especially for countries where access to the financial system is almost non-existent.

The goal? ‘To make money more fluid, markets more open, and people more independent’. Overseeing the project, in addition to Jed McCaleb, is the Stellar Development Foundation, a non-profit set up in 2014.

Stay up to date with the price of Stellar

Price 24H
Change 24H
Circulating Supply
XLM undefined
Offerta massima
XLM undefined
Market Cap
€ undefined
€ undefined

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