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FAQ on Cryptocurrency Trading


  • How can I convert one cryptocurrency into another?

  • How can I send a transfer from Young Platform to my current account?

  • Is it possible to cancel a buy or sell order once it has been confirmed?

  • What is the difference between withdrawing and selling a cryptocurrency?

  • How do I transfer cryptocurrencies from Young Platform to another exchange?

  • How can I sell some crypto?

  • How can I buy some crypto?


  • How can I increase my account deposit limit?

  • Does my Young Platform account have activation costs?

Payment Methods

  • Which cards may encounter problems during deposit?

  • Which cryptocurrencies can I buy and sell on the exchange?

  • What are the minimum and maximum limits for buying a cryptocurrency?

  • How many bank IBANs can I associate with my Young Platform account?

  • Which payment circuits are supported for card deposits?

  • How many credit and debit cards can be associated with my account?

Settlement times

  • Summary of Filing Errors

  • Where can I see my transaction history?

  • After placing an order, where are my cryptocurrencies credited?

  • How long will it take for my transfer to arrive on my Young Platform account?

  • How quickly is a buy or sell order executed?

Token YNG

  • How do I convert YNG tokens into Euros?

  • Is it possible to buy cryptocurrencies with YNG tokens?

  • How can I transfer YNG tokens from Step to Young Platform?

  • When can I buy or sell the YNG tokens?

Still have questions? Open a ticket via to contact us