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FAQs on Security

Young Platform takes strong security measures to ensure its reliability, preserve your cryptocurrencies and protect its ecosystem from rogue and potentially dangerous actors. The best defence, however, is to be cautious yourself - find out how to recognise, prevent and deal with fraud or scams.

Young Platform does not ask its users for access credentials and other security codes, neither by phone, email or SMS nor on social networks.

We are aware of online scams perpetrated against our users or potential users, often to steal cryptocurrency. Malicious individuals may attempt to deceive Young Platform exchange members or interested parties, especially through insidious phone calls, emails and misleading websites. To avoid becoming a victim of fraudulent practices such as these, remember that no Young Platform employee will ever ask you for your login password or other security codes, such as PIN, OTP or 2FA. The personal documents requested at signup, or during other KYC ("Know Your Customer" or "Identity Verification") procedures, such as bank statements, utility bills, certificate of residence, and tax returns, are the only information needed to verify your identity. When searching for Young Platform websites and resources online, or reaching them through links, please verify that the page you find or refer to is trustworthy, recognised as authentic and that it is not a scam. Use only the official Young Platform channels for your support requests. Remember that cryptocurrency transactions are irreversible, because they are immutably recorded on the blockchain.

What to do to protect yourself from an online scam

  • What do I do if I receive an email from a fraudster?

  • What do I do if my password has been discovered?

  • What we do to protect users

  • What do I do if I notice an access that is not mine?

  • What do I do if a fraudster calls me?

  • Reporting an online scam 

  • How to recognise fake social profiles?

  • How to defend yourself against scams?

  • How can I monitor access to my account?

  • How can I choose and store my passwords?

  • How can I avoid fake sites?

How to recognise an online scam

  • What do scams generally look like? 

  • To whom can I disclose my passwords?

  • Scams and cryptocurrencies: which are the most popular online?

  • How to recognise a fake site?

  • How could the fraudsters contact me?

  • Could Young Platform write me on Telegram?

  • Could Young Platform call me on the phone?

Still have questions? Open a ticket via to contact us