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In computer science, ‘modularity’ refers to a software design and organisation principle in which a complex system is broken down into smaller, well-defined parts called ‘modules’. These modules are autonomous and independent components that perform specific functions and can be developed, tested and maintained separately.

Modularity is a fundamental concept in software engineering and offers several advantages:

  • Reuse of code: Once a well-designed and functioning module has been created, it can be reused in different parts of an application or in different applications, saving time and effort in development.
  • Ease of maintenance: When an application is divided into modules, changes or updates can be made more easily and safely in one module, without having to touch the entire system.
  • Simplification of development: By focusing on smaller, well-defined modules, developers can address more specific problems more efficiently and clearly.
  • Collaboration: Several developers can work in parallel on different modules without interfering with each other, as long as the module interfaces are well defined.
  • Testing and debugging: Separate modules can be tested and verified individually, simplifying the process of finding and correcting errors.
  • Scalability: Adding new functionality or expanding an application can be more manageable if the application is built in a modular manner.
  • Division of labour: In large projects, several teams can work on different modules at the same time, speeding up overall development.

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