Young Platform

Don't miss out on new features and cryptocurrencies listed on the exchange. Discover them on both the web and mobile applications.
YNG Token: Opening of the exchange’s crypto Clubs
Airdrop LUNA 2.0: Young Platform supplies the new tokens
YNG Token: after the Community Sale comes the listing
3 Million YNG purchased: only 4 days left to join in!
Community Sale of the YNG token: 2 million purchased
1 million YNG Tokens bought in the first 4 days of the Community Sale
Your exchange opens its doors to the Community: here come the Clubs!
yng token
FAQ: How does the community sale of the YNG token work?
YNG Token: 3 reasons to buy it now
Axie Infinity (AXS) listing on Young Platform
Amounts for Card Deposits have increased
Ankr (ANKR) lands on Young Platform Pro!