Mutual Funds

Mutual funds are financial instruments with collective participation, i.e. in which the capital provided by several savers is used and invested as if it were a single asset. The amount of money made available by each individual investor is called a mutual fund share or participation share.

Mutual funds are usually managed by an intermediary, i.e. a figure who puts the investor in contact with the financial market, also referred to as an ‘asset management company‘. To open an investment fund, it is therefore necessary to turn to dedicated financial intermediaries, generally represented by bank or private advisors, bank branches and online platforms. Once the most suitable asset management company for your needs has been identified, a fee, called an entry or management fee, will need to be paid to access the mutual fund.

Compared to other financial products, mutual funds fall into several asset classes, as capital can be invested in several different instruments.
This characteristic is essential to diversify your investment portfolio in order to try to amortise risk.

Depending on their knowledge and objectives, each investor must consider the type of mutual fund best suited to their needs. A first distinction can be made by analysing the financial instrument in which you invest.

In equity funds, for example, the collective capital is invested in shares. It should be remembered that, compared to other types of investments, the equity market exposes the shares more to market trends, increasing the possible risk.

Bond funds, as the name might suggest, invest units in bonds.

If you want to further diversify your portfolio, not limiting yourself to investing exclusively in stocks or bonds, you can also consider balanced funds. They are forms of investment that allow you to invest your capital in both bonds and stocks. The percentage of units dedicated to shares and that on bonds varies from fund to fund.

In addition to the financial instruments invested in, mutual funds can also be categorised on the basis of their objectives and time horizon.

Contrary to what you might expect, mutual funds are not necessarily long-term financial instruments. There are some types of funds, such as money funds, in which capital is invested in short-term investments with the aim of preserving the value of money, acting as de facto substitutes for the classic bank deposit.

For more experienced and risk-oriented investors, there is a non-traditional, speculative type of mutual fund, i.e. one that is based on making money based on the difference in prices at certain times in the market. These funds are called hedge funds, or speculative funds, and have absolute return as their main objective, an investment strategy that aims to generate profit regardless of market trends. 

Correlated words


An economic indicator is a collection of data, typically on a macroeconomic scale. These data sets are not just numbers, but powerful tools used by analysts to decipher current or future investment opportunities and gauge the overall health of an economy.


In the world of trading, understanding and knowing how to correctly intervene in a trading strategy's parameters is crucial to long-term success.

Golden Cross

The Golden Cross is a term widely used in trading that denotes the crossing of two moving averages, whether simple or exponential. It can help outline trading strategies for a specific asset.

Average True Range (ATR)

The Average True Range (ATR) is an essential technical analysis indicator for investors seeking to measure market volatility.


A Dividend is a share of profit distributed to shareholders of a company, usually paid periodically as a return on investment.


Diversification in investment involves strategically including various assets with different characteristics to reduce portfolio risk.


Drawdown is a financial indicator measuring the decline from an asset's peak to its lowest point over a specified period, reflecting risk.

Floor price

The Floor price is the lowest price at which an asset, such as an NFT or stock, is currently available for purchase on the market.

Bitcoin Dominance

Bitcoin Dominance measures the proportion of Bitcoin's market capitalisation in relation to the total market cap of all cryptocurrencies.


In trading, a Pair involves two currencies exchanged against each other, commonly seen on cryptocurrency and forex exchanges.

Price action

Price action refers to the movement and behaviour of a financial instrument's price over time, used for predictive analysis in trading.

Relative Strength

Relative Strength is a technical analysis tool comparing the price performance of two cryptocurrencies to evaluate their market strength.


A Breakout in trading occurs when the price surpasses a defined resistance or support level, leading to increased volatility and activity.

Bull Run

A Bull Run is a market phase marked by a sustained upward price trend, often reflecting widespread positive sentiment among investors.


A Rally is a rapid and significant increase in an asset's or market index's price, driven by a surge in demand from investors.


A Fakeout in the market occurs when the actual price trend diverges from investor expectations, leading to mistaken trading decisions.

Market Mover

A Market Mover is a factor or event capable of significantly influencing a financial market's direction and price levels.

Bear Trap

A Bear Trap occurs in a bullish market, presenting a temporary downward price movement that can mislead investors.

Bull Trap

A Bull Trap is a deceptive upward price movement in a bearish market, giving the false impression of a market recovery.


Volatility in finance refers to the extent of price fluctuations a financial instrument experiences over a period.

Supply and demand

Supply and demand are fundamental economic forces determining the price and availability of goods and services in the market.


Volume indicates the total amount of a cryptocurrency traded within a specific time frame, reflecting market activity.

Market Trend

Market Trend signifies the prevailing direction of financial markets, identified over a substantial duration for investment analysis.


Trading is buying and selling financial assets in markets to profit from price movements and market trends.

Stop Order

A Stop Order is a conditional trade tool in markets, allowing investors to buy or sell assets when prices reach a set level.


Slippage is the variation between a trade's expected and executed price, often occurring in fast-moving or illiquid markets.

Support and resistance

Support and Resistance are technical analysis tools identifying price levels where an asset's price trend may pause or reverse.


ROI, or Return on Investment, quantifies the performance of an investment by comparing profits to its original cost.


Pump&Dump is a manipulative market strategy that artificially inflates cryptocurrency prices for the benefit of the initiators.

Prediction Market

Prediction markets are exchange-traded platforms that predict the outcomes of future events, reflecting market sentiment and speculations.

Order Book

The Order Book lists all price points where traders are willing to buy or sell a specific amount of cryptocurrency on an exchange.


An Oracle is a blockchain mechanism providing external, verified data to smart contracts for accurate and reliable execution.


The term 'Moon' describes a rapid and significant surge in a cryptocurrency's price, indicating bullish market sentiment.

Market Order

A Market Order is executed instantly at the next available best market price for buying or selling cryptocurrencies.

Market Maker

Market Makers are intermediaries who buy and sell large quantities of an asset to facilitate its liquidity and ensure market depth.

Market Cap

Market Cap denotes the total market value of all circulating coins or tokens of a particular cryptocurrency.

Limit Order

A Limit Order is executed only when the cryptocurrency reaches a predetermined price, specifying exact buy or sell conditions.

Futures Contract

A Futures Contract is an agreement to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price at a specified future date (hedging or speculation).


FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) describes a general sense of negativity or pessimism in the market, potentially affecting prices.

Circulating Supply

Circulating Supply refers to the number of cryptocurrency tokens or coins actively available for trading in the market.


The Forex (Foreign Exchange) Market is a global platform for trading fiat currencies, operating 24/7 with high liquidity.


Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) in trading and cryptocurrency contexts refers to the anxiety of missing profitable opportunities.


ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds) are passively managed funds that replicate the performance of a benchmark index, offering broad market exposure.

Buy Wall and Sell Wall

Buy Wall and Sell Wall represent significant purchase or sale demands at a specific price in cryptocurrency trading.

Bull Market

A Bull Market is a period where prices consistently rise, often driven by investor confidence and economic optimism.

Break-Even point

The Break-even point is the financial state where total revenues equal total expenses, indicating neither profit nor loss.

Bid and Ask

In trading, 'Bid' and 'Ask' represent the prices at which buyers and sellers are willing to trade an asset in the order book.


A Benchmark is a standard or point of reference against which the performance of a financial instrument or market can be measured.

Bear Market

A Bear Market is a phase in the market characterized by declining asset prices and typically reflecting widespread pessimism.


ATH (All-Time High) and ATL (All-Time Low) represent a cryptocurrency's highest and lowest historical price points.

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